I have to say that am impressed with the accessibility of the website. It is very easy to use and very well optimized for the search. Most importantly, the site is fully functional and well designed. It has almost every option or features required to explore through.

Here are some details:-

Cognitive Load:- It is very easy to scan through and understand the content shown in the website. It’s readily accessible information and different options makes this site very easy to engage with. The website’s user-friendly and user-intuitive layout is really helpful to understand the structure and data shown in it. This site also doesn’t consume much internet to load and there are no annoying ads at all.

Language Usage:- The whole content and information is written in English. It’s written in a simplistic and understandable way so that even the newbies can’t face any trouble seeing and reading it.

Colour:- I think colour is totally appropriate (Blue and Purple), as the colors used in this website also suits our college’s (NIC) logo, which in my opinion is perfect for the website too. It is also very easy to see the purple colour, which is also my favourite one.

Typography:- Mostly It’s written in Open Sans Font and since it’s a learning and education site, so it’s title also best represents it, so it’s appropriate.

List of accessibility principles scores:

Perceivable = 5/5

The theme colour that is used in this website is purple and honestly I love the purple colour. And I kinda appreciate the contrast too because it’s not so flashy and distracting, since it’s a learning website so the contrast thoroughly suits the website.

Understandable = 4/5

Though everything is clearly stated and featured in the website. But, I think the format and layout of content in the website could be done even better. Because that’s what really

Operable = 5/5

The site just works fluently and without any heavy load. Every option opens quickly. I think the site is very well optimized and since there are no desperate pop ads or no ads in the website so it works very smooth. It’s also very easy to navigate throughout the website.

Robust = 4/5

The website works great in almost every browser and device. Even on my android and ios mobile also it runs and loads smoothly but, sometimes it just takes hours to load the site. I don’t know why it happens, is it my network or device issue, no idea. However, when I refreshes the site the second time, then it loads and opens.

Responsiveness = 5/5

The site is very responsive, and takes less than a second to load and open on any device, especially if the network is fine. The website has absolutely perfect responsiveness, as we opens it in different devices, so every device has different orientation, resolution and screen type. So this website’s layout and format adjusts accordingly in a perfect way.